An interesting thing happened today when I opened my blog. I received this award.

It was awarded to me from a very uplifting blog
'MONDAY MORNING POWER' and it made me think.
You may have noticed on my blog that I have a Stat Counter. It is becoming common to have them on your blog or website and they are really interesting in that they can tell you how often your blog is visited and what city/state/province they come from, not to mention the site they accessed yours from. In many ways they are interesting as well as helpful. It's nice to know how often your blog is viewed.
I have to admit I was getting somewhat discouraged that this site got very few visitors whereas my art site
THE FUNCTIONAL ARTIST was increasing on a daily basis. I had to ask myself some thought provoking questions. Was my topic choice for this blog an unpopular topic? Was my method or style of writing boring? Did I come across as a person who thought they 'new it all' when in fact that is the last image I want to portray. Or was it something as simple as an 'overtalked subject' on the blogs?
Well after a lot of thinking and debating I came to the conclusion that in the big picture, none of that mattered. As long as I have this passion for children and believe in what I'm writing then I should continue on with it. If even one person reads and follows my blog taking with them some confort or reassurance or even amusement, then what more could I ask for?
And now I must go on and spread the award to other very deserving bloggers.