Friday, December 14, 2007


It's been awhile since I've posted on this blog. I admit I've been extremely busy with my artwork and keeping up my blog The Functional Artist, but also I've been so darn busy just being a parent.
I remember my mother saying to me, "The children get bigger but so do the worries." Oh, how right she was. No longer do I worry about them running out into the street in traffic or whether or not they'll be warm enough without their jacket. Now I worry that one is wearing herself out running between two jobs to meet expenses. I worry that with today's economy they will never experience the secure life style we were so fortunate to have. Yes Mom, the worries do get bigger. Does the worry ever end?
Being a parent/mother is a life time commitment that doesn't end when they walk out the door. I loved and appreciated my mother, however, I don't think I truly understand how much she gave up for us until I had children of my own.
So to all you people out there that are still fortunate enough to have your mother's in your life...go give them a big kiss and hug and thank them for being there.

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